Thursday, January 24, 2013

"It's a Girl", Eva Marie, January 10, 2013

Eva Marie, January 10, 2013

Late in the evening on January 10th a snowy owl was observed in Bend, Oregon, bearing a 7+ lb package.  Few took particular notice as it was nighttime and far too cold for storks at this time of year.  However the excitement grew and quickly rippled it’s way to southern California where a vastly proud and excited “Grandma Nancy” received the message: “Mom, she’s absolutely perfect”.  Are there any better words to hear?

A week later proud parents Kim, Nancy’s daughter, and husband Dom feel that “Eva Marie” is even more perfect if such a thing is possible.  Eva Marie will certainly not want for attire as I have personally witnessed the knitting of sweaters, hats, booties, and even a blanket.

I am married to a grandmother, so what does that make me?  Yikes.

Perhaps a nap before figuring this place out.

Oh, I have it now.  I'm the princess and they're all here at my beckoned call.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Organ Pipe Cactus NP 11/28-12/7/12

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument 11/28-12/7/12

The Wall
About 130 miles southwest of Tucson, Organ Pipe Cactus NM, named for the distinctive cactus that grows there, lies on the Mexican border.  Much of the park is closed due to “danger” from illegals crossing and drug smugglers in spite of the “wall”.  The wall, begun during the Bush era of course, is great at stopping migrating wildlife like the desert sheep but very poor at stopping illegals and basically useless against drugs.  But hey....

An afternoon arrival into a basically deserted campground was cheered by our Montanan travel buds, Bert & Janie who had arrived that morning.  Always prioritizing Bert had Gin & Tonics in our possession before the landing gear was secured.  After 9 warm sunny days of hiking, biking, enjoying meals together and of course sunset happy hours it was time to move on.  Bert & Janie to Big Bend Texas and us to Borrego Springs in southern California.  They will meet us in CA before the New Year begins.

View from campground

Distintive Organ Pipe Cactus in it's northern most habitat
Don & Nancy on the Puerto Blanco Road

After deaths from dehydration among Mexican migrants "Humane Borders" emergency water stations were placed at strategic locations.

Some migrants get lost or simply run out of water.   It's warm here now so I can hardly imagine how brutal it will be come summer.  
Gila Woodpecker
Bull Pasture hike
The huge "Bull" rock formation overlooking bull pasture where cattle grazed in the 1800s

OK Janie where were those water barrels? 
Scorpions are rare in winter but it's been warm and this guy was lurking beneath our stabilizer pads when we were leaving.  A reminder not to leave boots out at night. 
About 39 miles away "Ajo" is the closest US town.  Not much here other than this beautiful church, a central focus in many of towns of Spanish/Mexican heritage.  However we did find the best bison burgers we've had in quite some time nearby at the Estrella Restaurant.

We say our goodbyes to Bert & Janie at the Estrella Restaurant and resume westward.  Next stop Borrego Springs, CA.