Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Las Vegas 5/3-5/13

Let's build a medieval castle for a hotel/casino in the middle of the desert

And what will we put next to it?  A replica of NYC, what else?  Maybe an Egyptian pyramid,
that fits doesn't it?  Sure, why not? Now what....on & on.

Nancy’s never been and has wanted to stop in Las Vegas for several years.  This time it worked into our homeward plans - so stop we did.  We arrived in the afternoon to an OK but overdone RV park with over 900 sites.  What in LV isn’t overdone?  We were both beat and crashed early but the next morning Nancy was up and at’em.  She spent most of the day walking the strip checking out casinos, hotels, and the scene in general.  I was still in recovery mode and have been to LV before for business, so after dropping her off at the south end of the strip I hung at the RV park with the AC on relaxing and waiting for the evening.  I think walking the strip is something well worth doing, once.  I picked her up again way many hours later and after quick showers, a quicker drink, off we went to an awesome Cirque de Soleil show “O” at the Bellagio.  It was truly amazing.  There was never a dull moment and the talent outstanding.  Setting the immense human talent aside for a moment, the technology involved in making it all work was astounding.  One minute characters were skipping thru an inch of water, then moments later feet, legs, and whole bodies emerged, and then others dove off 60 foot platforms into this same pool.  Afterwards we walked part of the strip to see some things she missed that day, e.g. Ceasar’s Palace and the Venetian.  It being Saturday night it was particularly zooey.  What a scene, “beam me up Scotie, please”.  We left the next morning for the tranquility of “Valley of Fire” State Park just a couple of hours northeast.

Three-story wine rack at Mandalay Bay

You can have your picture taken with just about any character imaginable.
Ceiling at Bellagio theatre

Photos of the show were taken with the iPhone and are fuzzy since flashes
were prohibited.  Real action shots out of the question.
This ship swung back and forth while the characters did amazing acrobatics,
finally somersaulting or diving into the pool below.
These 3 showed amazing flexibility and focus.
The fountain "set to music" at the Bellagio framed by the Eiffel Tower

Inside the Bellagio.

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