Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Valley of Fire, UT 5/5/13

We didn't catch a name for this formation but it must be some sort of Indian legend.

We passed thru a short slot canyon on the
 lower section of our one loop hike
Just a short distance northeast of Las Vegas we found the “Valley of Fire” State Park and it would be difficult to imagine a starker contrast.  Natural beauty and serenity abound.  Not a sound to be heard at night.  It was oh-so nice to be back in the desert.  We had time to tour the park and for a loop hike that afternoon but left the next morning for Zion NP, our next stop on the homeward journey.

Ump-teen millions of years ago this area was a sea leaving striations of sedimentary rock
Valley of Fire campsite
Area of rocks called the "Beehives"
Valley of Fire SP

Lot's of beautiful striated red rock

Part of our late afternoon loop hike
Along the hike
Many movies and TV episodes were filmed here.  Mostly westerns but also
included Star Trek scenes.  This shows the ruins of "The Professionals"
filmed in 1966.
Evidence of long-ago residents

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